Outdoor Advertising Association of SC
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80% believe communicating real-time messages on billboards is a valuable tool.

The Outdoor Advertising Association of South Carolina (OAASC) continues to play a vital role in building quality of life in the scores of cities and towns throughout the state. The OAASC has made substantial contributions of artwork and sign space in South Carolina to support economic, charitable and non-profit ventures, as well as for individual communities. Add to that the hundreds of hours of civic and community service volunteers who are local residents with local interests actively involved in helping to make South Carolina communities strong, friendly and properous. The people of the OAASC are your business partners and your neighbors. They know community issues and participate in community solutions.

The OAASC is proud of its contribution to quality of life in the communities it serves...its record of responsible corporate citizenship...its enduring commitment to ethical business practices. Get to know the OAASC and support its continued commitment to public service in South Carolina.